I did something I’ve never done before – I became an actress in a play. I never imagined this was something that I would do, but I am glad that I did it. It got me out of my comfort zone, it introduced me to new people, the rehearsing broke me out of my normal routine, and although nervous, I did truly enjoy it. This also got me thinking of other ways on how to get out of the comfort zone.
I feel that outside your comfort zone is a place you can grow, and you can learn. Getting out of the comfort zone isn’t always easy for many people. Most people resist change and like to keep things the way they are. If more people got out there though, they would be amazed at what they would find, and what they are truly capable of. Let’s look at different ways on how to get out of the comfort zone.
Curiosity Can Bring About Change
What prompted me to be in a play? At a place that I attend regularly, there is a group that meets for play practice, and some of their plays are held there as well. Play practice is held regularly as I attend other functions in the same building, and I know a few people who participate in the plays. I’m honestly not sure what prompted me, but I mentioned if there was a very small part they could use me in, I would like to give it a try. That was the biggest part for me in breaking out of my comfort zone. Once I offered, I couldn’t back out, and they had me hooked. My curiosity got the best of me and I was about to find out what acting was all about.
The play was a comedy/dinner/murder mystery with some audience participation. I wasn’t nervous about speaking in front of people, but only nervous that I would forget a line. What I found out was that there is a lot of improvising in a play, and although I did flub one line, I still made it work and created a laugh, which was the purpose of that particular line.
It was a great night, and it was a great experience. I got to meet new people, I got to experience what it’s like to act, and I got out of my comfort zone.
If something sparks your curiosity, check it out. Get out of your comfort zone and give it a try. If it’s not what you imagine it will be like, then don’t do it again. But how do you know if you don’t give it a try.

Find New Experiences Outside the Comfort Zone
Being in a play not only gave me the experience of acting, but it brough along a couple of new experiences as well. I had never even been to a play before; I had only seen the others practice while I was passing through. Personally, I think that being a part of it was the best way to experience my first play.
Meeting others and experiencing the play and what it was like to act still wasn’t all that I experienced that was new. The night before the play we had a rehearsal at the venue where the play was being held. If it wasn’t for me being in the play, our normal evening would consist of staying home and ordering a pizza. Since we were running late that night, and we were away from home, we stopped at a pizza place that we had never been to before. Yes, it’s a small thing, but it gave us somewhere different to go, and something new to try. I liked it, my husband wasn’t as thrilled about it, but we’d never have known if we hadn’t tried it.
The night of the play, my husband came along so he could watch the play, and still be with me for the evening. We both had different experiences that night, but it was new and different for both of us in different ways, and although neither of us cared much for the food that was served, we had a lot of fun, and we had a great evening.
On the way home, as we discussed the evening, we both mentioned what we would have been doing that night if we hadn’t gone to the play. It wasn’t difficult to determine this, as we both knew all we would have done was sit at home and try to find something good on television. We both agreed that although we didn’t have the best meal, and we were both way out of our comfort zones, and we’re both not sure if we’d do it again or not, we had a good time, and we were both glad we went.

How to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
So, you’ve decided to try breaking out of your comfort zone, but you’re not sure where to start. Simply deciding that you’re ready to start something new is the first step in stepping out.
Start small. Take a drive to the next town and try a different restaurant that you’ve never been to. Order something different off the menu that you think you’d may like but you’re not sure about. After all, you’ll never know if you don’t try. You may even find your new favorite food.
Jump in even though you may not feel you’re ready. They say if you ever wait until you’re completely ready for something before you begin, you’ll never begin anything. Yes, you’ll be nervous, but do it anyway. Opportunity can exist in places you never knew existed. Do you want to know how someone becomes successful? They jumped in before they were ready, and they learned to swim. They got out of their comfort zone and did what most others didn’t.
Volunteer at something you enjoy. Volunteering is a great way to break out of your comfort zone. They certainly can’t fire you if you can’t live up to their expectations. More than likely you would be asked to fill in a different role within their organization if your first try wasn’t a good fit. Volunteers can be so hard to find, and volunteer opportunities are all around us.
Do you like working with numbers? You can help senior citizens and low-income people with their taxes. Do you love animals? Volunteer at your local animal shelter, walking the dogs, playing with the cats, or any number of other tasks they have to do on a daily basis. Do you like art? Volunteer at your local art gallery or performing arts center. Schools, senior citizen centers, churches, shelters…the list is endless. They can all use your help, and they can all help you break out of your comfort zone.

Give It A Try
I’m actually doing several new things this year that are out of my comfort zone. From being in the play, to volunteering for a position that has me calling on people which I am extremely uncomfortable with, to taking on a particular legal challenge on my own, change has pulled me way out of my comfort zone so far this year.
There are days I completely feel overwhelmed, but I’m doing it. One of the biggest things that keeps me going is simply taking one step at a time. All together it can seem overwhelming, but when broken down and simply doing one task, and then going on to the next task, it has become manageable .
And once again, although I’m feeling overwhelmed, I am making progress. I’m taking each project one step at a time, and by also looking at these projects one step at a time, the whole doesn’t seem quite so scary.
What is great about all of this is that I am continually learning. I’m meeting new people and learning from them in one position, and I am learning a lot on legal matters, and gaining confidence in myself as I continually tackle one step after another.
I certainly wouldn’t recommend either of these options for someone who is simply wanting to try something different for the first time, but with practice there’s no saying that you won’t be able to do so much more than what I am doing now.
For now though, I urge you to step out of your comfort zone just a bit. Go to a movie by yourself, order the biggest desert on the menu that you always wanted to try, buy that outfit that you love, but you’re afraid of what others will think, learn to play a musical instrument. If you can’t think of anything that you would be willing to try, take a look at this list. It gives you great ideas from the simple to the wild. Learn how to get out of the comfort zone; it’s a great place to grow, and it’s a great place to learn.
Hi Cynthia. Lovely site, full of the excitement of youth and the dreams of tomorrow. Well done
Thanks for the informative article. This is a subject everyone can relate to. I for sure love being in my comfort zone and have a hard time getting out. Well, not as hard as I used to but I still prefer my comfort zone.
It’s a human thing like you mentioned in that we all do it. I like the points you gave about how one can go about starting to get out of their comfort zone. Great advice.
This is great! I’ve heard it described as our comfort zone is like a little circle we live in where things are predictable and relatively the same every day. The magic happens when we get out of that circle, leave our comfort zone and try something new or different!
I have recently started a new adventure of building an online business. It has definitely taken me out of my comfort zone, but I am loving the experience of learning new things, virtually meeting new people, and proving to myself that I can do it! As you said, growth happens when we get out of our comfort zone.
Years ago – out the blue, I became involved in a musical. Thank goodness I didn’t need to sing by myself. As you mentioned – this something that can definitely move you out of your comfort zone. The memorization – interacting with others all of that was so very new and different. It seems that as I have grown older – I keep drifting back to a daily routine. Of the list you suggested is there something at a nearly seven-decade oldster could do just to shake things up a little?
I could never do a musical; I cannot carry a tune, and leave all my singing to the shower or the car as I’m by myself. I always said that I could make a lot of money by singing – they’d pay me to be quiet, lol.
If you enjoyed the theater at all, that would be a great place to try again. I know the group that I worked with is always needing actors & actresses, as well as stagehands and extra help. Volunteering is a great way not only to break out of your comfort zone, but to offer help to others as well.
Even small things can make a difference. Simply by changing up a normal routine, such as brushing your teeth before you take a shower versus after, or putting your shirt on before your pants, or opposite of what you normally do. I read somewhere that simply putting on your socks opposite of what you normally do, left then right, or right then left, can keep your brain active.
Great article! And that is so great that you did something brave and new and had a great experience. I once joined a play as a dancer/actress. I didn’t have any speaking parts, just one of the extras, but the dancing part of it was so much fun! I felt like I became more alive by participating. Definitely out of my comfort zone too.
What a great article, thank you! I find I’m very good at being complacent. I can spend weekends just doing my own thing, not calling or talking to anyone and just enjoying my own company. This is fine, but for me, being social is super important. I never want to go, I procrastinate, but when I do, I have a great time! I remember why I love the people I’m with! Getting a divorce opened my eyes to this, big time. I had every other weekend without my kids and no built in husband to keep me social. I had to do it on my own. It has taken a while and some days, a little force, but I am truly a whole new person- better and more well rounded. Anyway, I got wordy. This article was very helpful!