Super Bowl Sunday is almost here! This is a day that everyone can enjoy whether you’re a football fan or not. The commercials themselves are always something you’ll hear everyone talking about the next day. While you’re enjoying the game, enjoying the commercials, or simply enjoying the food, throw in some fun Super Bowl games and everyone will want to be at your party next year.
Let’s get started with a fun list, for fun games on Super Bowl Sunday. All of these games can be enjoyed by adults and kids alike.
- If you live in an area where you have the room, and decent weather, a game of flag or touch football is a great way to get everyone pumped for the game. Children and adults can both join in, making it a family, friendly game for everyone who wants to join in. This is also great exercise to make up for all the food you’ll be consuming later.
- Have everyone make some Super Bowl predictions. I found these online questions that you can print out, or you can make your own set of questions for everyone to answer. Printing out a sheet with spaces for everyone to guess the scores at the end of each quarter, along with the final score is a great prediction game as well.
- Play paper football. Remember as a kid making a paper football, your friend would make a goal with his fingers, and you’d try to score a field goal? Simply make your paper football, and find something around the house to make the goal posts – twist ties, Legos, or popsicle sticks are just a few examples. You could actually make it a game in a game by making a competition of who can come up with the most innovative or creative goal posts. If you’ve never made a paper football, click here for a great tutorial.

- A great partner game is kick-off. For this game you’ll need several small footballs, either stuffed or bean bag footballs. If you can’t find footballs, small hacky-sacks will work as well. You’ll also need small plastic buckets, such as a sand bucket. If you don’t have any of these you can get innovative and get some pots out of your kitchen; just make sure that each team has the same sized container. Each team receives 10 footballs, and one bucket. The first person has to drop punt the football or hacky sack off their foot, and the other person needs to catch it in the bucket. If any footballs are dropped, they need to be picked up and done again until all 10 footballs are caught in the bucket. Whoever can complete the task first, wins. This game is especially hilarious after a few beers.
- Another game that you can play with the mini footballs is football knockdown. Simply stack up several plastic cups, and throw the football to see how many you can knock down.
- There are several different games you can play using the commercials. You can make up Bingo cards by filling in the spaces with large companies that will most likely place an ad during the super bowl. You can have guests vote for their favorite commercial and tally the votes up at the end to see the winner. You can also play a game to see who can spot the most animals in the commercials. Have your guests write down the ad, and the animal or animals in each ad, and see who finds the most.
- You can make your own mini football toss game corn hole style – just use the miniature footballs, and paint yard lines across the playing area, and a field goal around the hole.

These are great games to play during Super Bowl Sunday. But what if you’re not a football fan, and want nothing to do with the Super Bowl frenzy?
If you’re not a football fan, and you can’t understand what the fuss is all about, get out of the house and enjoy the day however you like. Take a walk in the park, go for a hike, go shopping, visit a museum…whatever makes you happy. Most likely all these places will be less busy today as many are at home watching the big game.
For those who are watching the game, please remember, whether your team wins or loses, it’s just a game. They’ll always have next year, and there will always be another Super Bowl.
Most important, if you do drink while watching the game, either cut the alcohol off early enough that you can drive home sober, call a cab, Uber, or Lyft, or make plans to stay the night. Whatever you do, do NOT drink and drive. Your friends will like to make sure you’ll be there for next year’s Super Bowl party.
Stay safe, and have a Super Bowl Super Sunday!
Wow! Sound’s such fun, I suggest you put the match on record in case you get so involved in these activities you forget to watch it live.
Family fun activities, regardless of the activity it centers around, are so very important to the health of our families in today’s society. Although I am not a football fan, I prefer European football to the NFL or CFL, I enjoyed your list of possible games especially the paper football. I always wondered how they made the triangular football. Recently, I watched Nebula and Ironman play paper football on Marvel Avengers: End Game. I thought to myself, how do you make the football. Could you share plans on how that is done?
I found a great tutorial on how to make a paper football and posted the link above.
I completely agree on fun family activities; as my kids were growing up we would regularly have a family game night, where we would each take turns picking out our favorite game.
What a fun post – anything to keep the family busy and engaged and off of the mobile phone games. Not mention off of the couch. Also thanks for the Friends blast from the past.
This is so great!
I’ve come across your post because we have relatives coming from America and we know nothing abut Superbowl here in Australia
Thanks for the great tips!
Great post! Genius idea about the bingo game and the commercials. As someone who doesn’t care too much about the game, I tend to pay more attention to the commercials and the half time show.
Paper football brings back memories of 7th grade, we played after getting off the bus waiting for school to start.
Flag football is a great game we played when I had Superbowl parties in the past. The girls would go shopping all day and come home about halftime, now they stay and watch the game.
Your list has a couple we have not done yet, have you ever had a Madden tournament before the game started using the two teams in the game? We have done this several times and it has worked out great.
That does sound like a blast. Thanks for the great addition for another fun Super Bowl game!