I’ve lived in the house that I am currently in for the last 29 years. Over those years, we’ve done a lot of remodeling, as well as expanded, as we have added on a couple of times.
Recently, my husband removed some paneling from a wall and discovered this:

Someone, at some time, more than 29 years ago, drew this beautiful picture, signed it, and then covered it up. It’s on the back of the drywall so it was never meant for display.
Something similar, although much grander, was recently discovered in Okanogan, Washington. A couple had purchased a historic building in the town with plans to turn it into a bar. They were about to cover the walls when one of them decided to first check to see what was behind the plaster.
What they found was a giant mural that stretched 60 feet long and 20 feet high. They then questioned whether there may be another mural on the opposite wall and upon checking, they found a matching mural. You can read about their story here as well as see pictures of their discovery: https://www.wbaltv.com/article/60-foot-long-hidden-murals-discovered-115-year-old-building/38967445
These are just a couple of examples of discovering life’s hidden gems.
Pleasant Surprises
Pleasant surprises are just one of life’s hidden gems. When we found the drawing in our house behind the paneling we weren’t hooting and hollering, but we were pleasantly surprised.

Pleasant surprises are all around us…hitting all the green lights on your way to work, finding money that you forgot you had in a pocket, getting in the shortest line at the checkout, receiving an unexpected text from an old friend…these are just a few examples of the pleasant surprises we all get at one time or another.
Finding that hidden artwork in our house was definitely a pleasant surprise. It wasn’t one that we were looking for, or one we were expecting. Just like the examples listed above, pleasant surprises can come when you’re not looking for or expecting them.
Have you ever wondered though what surprises are out there if you actually did go looking for them?
Searching For Surprises
Unexpected pleasant surprises are always great, but the surprises that you look for can be just as much rewarding, if not even more so. What’s so wonderful about searching for surprises is that even if you don’t find anything special, you can still have fun in the search itself.

I’ve always loved rocks. Ever since I was a child, I will check out the rocks on the ground, always searching for that special one. I found a geode when I was very young, and I didn’t even know what it was, but it sure was cool. I still check out rocks to this day, and once in a while I’ll find a beautiful rock to keep…a very nice surprise.
It may be superstition to some, but whenever I find a coin on the ground I feel that it’s from a love one who’s passed, and it’s their way of letting me know that they are still with me, or that things will work out if I’m worried. It doesn’t happen often, but it always makes me smile when it does.

Decluttering your house could be another way of searching for that pleasant surprise. Grab a box out of the basement, or the attic, and see what’s been sitting hidden in your home. Something as an old photo, or a special trinket from a vacation can bring back great memories. Even if you don’t find anything special, you can throw away or donate what is in that mystery box that has been sitting for so long, as well as feel good about decluttering your house and possibly helping a stranger at the same time. Something donated could be a hidden gem just waiting for someone else to discover.
A person could search for so many different things. Based on what one likes, the search could be very different. A bird watcher catching a glimpse of that rare bird, an astronomer spotting a comet flying through the night, a video game enthusiast getting the high score on a favorite video game…all are great examples of searching for that surprise.
One may not find the rare bird, or one may not see any comets in the sky, or be able to beat their score on a video game. But simply trying is still so much fun. One may not get to see that rare bird species, but they can experience the beauty of many of the other beautiful winged creatures and listen to the songs that they sing. One may not witness a comet flying through the sky, but they get to immerse themselves in the beauty of the stars. One may not get the high score on their video game, but they get to play, as well as improve their game so that one day they may obtain that high score, and all have fun while doing it.
Discover Life’s Hidden Gems
Life’s hidden gems are all around us. Many times they’re not even hidden, it’s just that we don’t always recognize them.
Many people will walk by the penny on the ground, rather than pick it up and stick it in their pocket. Some don’t appreciate that they hit every green light on the way to work, making their commute easier…they’re too busy stressing over the work they’re headed to. Many people won’t hear the birds singing, as their head is filled with worries of things that never come to pass.

Instead of worrying or concentrating on the bad, turn your attention to life’s little gems. Notice how happy a dog is hanging his head out the window of a moving car. See the children playing carefree, with not a worry about anything. They’re staying gold, and enjoying life in the moment.
Instead of worrying about what work has in store for you when you get there, enjoy the easy commute. If traffic has you at a standstill, look around and find something positive…the beauty of the buildings around you, clouds drifting through the sky, or maybe a dog hanging his head out the window waiting for the wind to blow in his face once again.
Stop and pick up that penny you see, and envision that it was left there by a loved one who has since passed. Take a walk and look for that special rock that you can pick up and take home with you. Play your favorite video game and know that you’ll beat your high score if you don’t give up.
Stay gold, and you’ll find that life’s hidden gems are all around us.

As I browsed through the pages
of willowsgold.com,
I couldn’t help but to keep scrolling
down the page,
finding one hidden gem after another.
The things I discovered
were so beautiful and unique,
I knew I had to share them with the world.
Life’s hidden gems,
just waiting to be found.