What comes to mind when you think of Valentine’s Day – heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, flowers, jewelry, cute stuffed animals? All these things are great, but for me, Valentine’s Day is for love. How you display that love can be as different as the person themselves.
Some women feel flowers are a waste of money as they don’t last. Others don’t want chocolate as they worry about their figure. Sometimes, all one needs is a little hand-made note from their sweetheart, with an “I love you” message along with all the xxx’s and ooo’s.
No matter how it is expressed, Valentine’s Day is a day to show love. Love for your sweetheart, love for your spouse, love for your children, love for your parent’s, love for that someone special in your life, love for yourself. How will you express your love this Valentine’s Day?
My Heart Belongs to Chocolate
A survey by PR Newswire lists candy as the most wanted item for Valentine’s Day. This survey says that 94% of Americans want to receive candy or chocolate for Valentine’s Day, and more that 40% says that receiving chocolates in a heart shaped box makes this gift even sweeter. According to this survey, an estimated 70% of people will give candy or chocolates to their sweethearts for Valentine’s Day.

If you don’t have a sweetheart, don’t despair. There’s nothing to say that you can’t give yourself some love this Valentine’s Day. Buy yourself that big, heart-shaped box of candy, and don’t feel one bit guilty, and especially don’t feel alone. According to PR Newswire survey, 43% of people surveyed said that they planned to buy themselves a box of chocolate to celebrate. After all, Valentine’s Day is for love, and you have to love yourself, before you can love another.
A Rose by Any Other Name Will Smell Just as Sweet
According to About Flowers, Valentine’s Day is the number one holiday for florists, and in 2019, 28% of Americans purchased flowers or plants as gifts for Valentine’s Day. Red roses, which are a symbol of love, are the most popular flowers purchased for this special day.
Once again, if you don’t have a sweetheart, buy yourself those beautiful flowers. This way, you’re guaranteed to get what you want, and that beautiful floral arrangement with brighten up your room or home for Valentine’s Day and beyond.
Personally, I love flowers. My husband used to buy them for me on a regular basis during the first several years of our relationship. As the years have gone by, I have decided that the money could be spent more practically on children, or on our home, but if my husband walked through the door on Valentine’s Day, or any day, with a beautiful arrangement of flowers, my heart would melt the same as when he handed me my first flowers.
Show Your Love with Jewelry
According to INSTORE, about 21% of shoppers will show their love this holiday with jewelry. Of course, Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular days to propose, and engagement rings are always a big hit on this day. I always thought there were 3Cs to look for when choosing a diamond, but research has shown me that there are actually 4Cs. According to the Gemological Institute of America, Inc.(GIA), the 4Cs of diamond Quality are: Color, Clarity, Cut, and Carat Weight. If you are planning on buying any type of diamond, the GIA has a great website to teach you most anything you want to know about diamonds.

Diamond tennis bracelets are a popular gift on Valentine’s Day. Heart shaped jewelry, such as a heart ring or necklace, is also a big seller on Valentine’s Day. Handmade and unique jewelry seem to becoming more popular as well, as it’s a special feeling to own a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry.
Jewelry is such a personal choice, and it doesn’t have to be expensive to be special. A couple of quarters for a plastic ring out of a gumball machine can mean more than a pair of diamond earrings. Sweet love, young love, plastic rings, friendship bracelets, they’re all a way to show your love.
Will You Be My Valentine?
Valentine’s Day cards have been around for much longer that I have. Remember Valentine’s Day when you were in grade school? Everyone would make out little Valentine’s Day cards, one for each person in your class, and when the day came the class would have a Valentine’s Day card exchange usually along with a party. Every once in a while, you’d sneak a special Valentine’s card into someone’s envelope, with a “guess who” or mystery signature, signaling a secret admirer.
As adults, the greeting card industry makes Valentine’s Day cards for anyone. From a secret admirer, to a best friend, to a lover, to a long-time spouse, there’s surely a greeting card to say what you want. From funny, to sentimental, to simply romantic, greeting cards are a staple at Valentine’s Day.

If you don’t want to spend the money on a greeting card, make one of your own. My husband and I have done this for years. To get something so personal can mean much more than anything that money can buy.
Other Great Gifts for Valentine’s Day
All you have to do is walk into any general store this weekend, and there’s sure to be a wide variety of Valentine’s Day gift ideas. Coffee mugs, picture frames, and cologne are just a few examples. Lingerie is a big seller on Valentine’s Day. It’s a gift a man can give a woman, yet he will also enjoy.
Stuffed animals are a cute gift as well. When we were first married, my husband bought me a teddy bear with a heart shaped balloon attached to its paw. I can’t remember what the balloon said, but I do remember that it had a picture of Garfield the cat hugging his favorite teddy bear, Pooky. Naturally, I named the teddy bear Pooky, and he still sits on my bed to this day, along with a sweet little bear I came across while going through my grandmother’s belongings.

Whether you want to show your spouse, your lover, your children, your friends, or simply yourself that you are thinking of them on this special day, there’s a way to do it. From a homemade card that won’t cost you more than a piece of paper, to a beautiful engagement ring and everything in between, there’s something out there for every one of you. Treat others, or treat yourself, because Valentine’s Day is for love.
One last thing – don’t forget others on this day as well. A smile or a complement can go a long way on this day, or any day. Love yourself, love those close to you, and love others. You never know who may need it, and whose day you can make by such a simple gesture.
I really enjoyed reading your article about Valentines Day, you shared some good ideas for Valentines Day gifts for the special lady in the men’s hearts that read this article.
You know I think men should give the special lady small tokens of their love year-round, and we really don’t need a special day to show our love to the one we love. I do love Valentines Day because it gives me even more reasons for men and women to surprise their sweethearts with gifts you can’t find any other time of the year
You’re article reminded me to the value of the warm, wholesome things that one gives when they come from the heart. Giving should be symbolic and our love for that special someone should shine through in whatever gift we choose.
Aw, his post is beautiful. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head, Valentine’s Day is about showing everyone you love 5at you love them, it’s not just exclusive to romantic relationships. I like that you’ve included self-love in there as well, I couldn’t agree more- we should show ourselves the care we long for, not just ‘wait’ for someone else to buy us chocolate or flowers. I’m single at the moment and that has been a revelation to me, it’s strangely empowering.
I always try and make a point on Valentine’s Day of sending messages to family and friends as well. I used to think Valentine’s Day was depressing if you’re single, but now I love it.
I like what you said about heart shaped notes as well, it took me back as at my senior school, you could buy or have bought for you a rose with a heart shaped note attached. It always made Valentine’s Day special.
Lovely post 🙂